The most common measurement of internet speed is in terms of megabits per second, often referred to as Mbps. Your latency measures the reaction time of your internet connection. Just click “Go” and it will measure both your download and upload speeds, as well as your latency - also referred to as ping. If you’re curious about your current internet speed, check out this internet speed test. Having an internet plan that works best for you means less interruptions to your daily life. That’s why you need to find an internet provider with the right internet speed for you. It can affect everything from your workflow to streaming movies and TV shows at home with your family. This is just one example of how a slow internet connection could have a detrimental effect on your day-to-day life. If you had faster internet that was the appropriate speed for video conferencing, you wouldn’t likely be having this problem. The only problem is that they can’t understand anything you’re saying, as your video continuously cuts out during your presentation. This meeting is the moment you’ve been waiting for and could make or break your relationship with your client. This is after weeks of research, hard work and preparation.
You’re pitching a project to a potential client in a virtual meeting.